Parisian Life


On our first Sunday in Paris, we decided to go on a guided tour of the 'un-seen' areas of Paris, lead by a native Parisian, which meant skipping the famous monuments and areas and heading straight to the hidden treasures...
We were so excited and after finally cracking the metro, we made it to the meeting point and met the other people on the tour before embarking on the adventure.

After the first 10 minutes of the tour, it started to slightly rain but we persevered and powered on.

Soon the heavens opened and as we squelched through a throng of Parisians at the local market, bearing umbrellas like weapons we became more and more disheartened and ultimately drenched! In the end we all decided to part ways, some retreated to a coffee shop in the hope of the rain subsiding but we headed home to dry off and warm up! We watched the rain pour down continuously for the rest of the day from a comfy, cozy studio and got very excited for Autumn! It's here!

On the way back we grabbed a Lebanese sandwich du jour from the market. I don't even know what was in it but it was delicious! 

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  1. Looks like such a neat tour! I did a similar one when I was in Paris in March, we went to little shops and markets I never would have found otherwise.

  2. Beautiful photographs, I love Paris! Thank you for sharing this post :)

    Camille xo

  3. Beautiful photos ♥ I would love to visit in Paris someday!


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